Sunday, September 27, 2015

Feature horror film, "ROUGH CUT" Soon to be out for public!!!

Check it out....Another feature horror film that I had the pleasure of being cast in, will be due out soon for the public. Here is a sneak peek of the brand new DVD cover for the film "Rough Cut". From the producers of Die Die Delta Pi

Saturday, September 26, 2015

"THE BREAKING POINT" gets its USA DVD & Internet release Tuesday Sept 29th!!!

The award winning feature film "THE BREAKING POINT" that I had the pleasure of being in, will have it's U.S. DVD and INTERNET release on Tues Sept. 29th. Look for it on a wide range of platforms such as, Cable Video On Demand, X-Box live, iTunes, and possibly some of the big box retail and Home Video Stores.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Feature film "DIE DIE DELTA PI" hits Meijer Stores!!!

Check it out!! For all my WI, MI, IL, IN, OH & KY peeps out there, you can now grab a copy of the award winning feature film that I received my very first nomination in for "DIE DIE DELTA PI" in Meijer Stores!! Thanks to one of our fans for posting up the display from their store!!! How cool is that!! Get out there and get your copy TODAY!!