That's right guys an gals, I was a first time guest at this years Halloween Horror Picture Show film fest which was held in beautiful Tampa, FL at the Tampa Pitcher show on Saturday September 28th. What a wonderful time I had getting to see everyone. It was so great getting to meet new faces as well as seeing familiar faces also.
I even had the pleasure of having my teaser trailer as well as a snippet from my feature grindhouse film "Hells Little Angels" screened at the show. Which by the way, this was a first time ever showing to the public. Everyone was really impressed with what they saw and now are wanting to see the feature when it is complete. I was nervous to have it shown as this is a very first film that I've written. Needless to say, the audience was very impressed and I am so proud. I am grateful for everyone that was involved in these 2 pieces that was shown at the film fest.
Here are pictures below from the awesome time I had at HHPS 2013!!!!
With some of the cast from my feature grindhouse film
"Hells Little Angels"--- Kelly Weaver, Joel Wynkoop & Audrey Hayes
With good friend and fellow actress Audrey Hayes
With Rick Danford, the film festival director for Halloween Horror Picture Show
Autographing a film for my good friend and fellow actor Bob Glazier